

1.1 2020 - 21

Sl No. Document Name
1 1.1 2020-21 View
6 Number of Seats Earmarked for the Academic Year 2020-21 View
7 Number of Seats Earmarked for the Academic Year 2019-20 View
8 Number of Seats Earmarked for the Academic Year 2018-19 View
9 Number of Seats Earmarked for the Academic Year 2017-18 View
10 Number of Seats Earmarked for the Academic Year 2016-17 View
11 1.1 Number Courses Across All Programs for Last 5 Years View
12 3.2 List of Full Time Teachers 2020 - 21 View
13 3.2 List of Full Time Teachers 2019-20 View
14 3.2 List of Full Time Teachers 2018-19 View
15 3.2 List of Full Time Teachers 2017-18 View
16 3.2 List of Full Time Teachers 2016-17 View

Sl No. Document Name
1 1.1.1 Calendar of Events View
2 1.1.1 Teaching Plan View
3 1.1.1 Special Lecture pdf View
4 1.1.3 BOS for Last 5 Years View
5 1.1.3 BOE 2020-21 View
6 1.1.3 BOE 2019-20 View
7 1.1.3 BOE 2018-19 View
8 1.1.3 BOE 2017-18 View
9 1.1.3 BOE 2016-17 View
10 1.1.3 Certificate & Value Added Course-BOS List for Last 5 Years View
11 1.1.3 Central Evaluation 2017-18 View
12 1.1.3 Central Evaluation 2018-19 View
13 1.1.3 Central Evaluation 2019-20 View
14 1.1.3 Central Evaluation 2020-21 View
15 1.2.1 Minutes of Relevant Acdemic-BOS Meetings View
16 1.2.2 Additional Information of Certificate or Value Added Course View
17 1.2.2 Brochure or Any Other Document Relating to Add on or Certificate Programmes View
18 1.1.2 Additional Documents View
19 1.2.3 Certificate Courses Related Additional Information View
20 1.1.3 Additional Documents Consolidated All BOS,BOE,BOW Value Aided Course & Central Evaluation View
21 1.3.2 Departmental Projects List View
22 1.3.2 Syllabus of the Courses View
23 1.3.2 Minutes of Relevant Acdemic-BOS Meetings View
24 1.3.2 MoU with Relevant Organisations View
25 1.2.3 Additional Documents on Certificate Course View
26 1.1.1 Number Courses Across All Programs during last 05 Years View
27 1.3.1 Cross Cutting issues Additional Documents View
28 1.3.3-Students undertaking Project Work / Field Work Data for the Latest Completed Academic Year 2020-21 View
29 1.4.1 Stakeholders Feedback 2020-21 View
30 1.4.1 Stakeholder Feedback 2019-20 View
31 1.4.1 Stakeholders Feedback 2018-19 View
32 1.4.1 Stakeholders Feedback 2017-18 View
33 1.4.1 Stakeholders Feedback 2016-17 View
34 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis 2020-21 View
35 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis 2019-20 View
36 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis 2018-19 View
37 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis 2017-18 View
38 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis 2016-17 View
39 1.2.1 Additional Documents (Application Forms) View
40 1.4.2-Recommendations made by the institute View
41 1.1.1 Additional information View
42 1.3.3-Additional Documents View
43 1.1.1 Prospectus View
44 1.3.2-Chemistry Syllabus 2016-17 View
45 1.3.2 -Botany Syllabus 2016-17 View
46 1.3.2 Zoology Syallabus 2016-17 View
47 1.3.2 Geography Syllabus 2016-17 View
48 1.3.2 Chemistry Syllabus-2020-21 View
49 1.3.2 Botany Syllabus-2020-21 View
50 1.3.2 Geography Syllabus-2020-21 View
51 1.3.2 Zoology Syllabus-2020-21 View
52 1.4.2 Feed Back Reports in the Last 05 Years View
53 1.4.1 Feedback Collected from Stakeholders View
54 1.4.1 Action Taken Report for Last 5 Years View
55 1.4.1-Departmental Action Taken Report View
56 1.4.1-Syllabus BOS View
57 1.3.3 Sterilization of Water by Using Bleaching Powder-2020-21 View
58 1.3.3-Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides View
59 1.3.3-Study the Amount of Casein-2020-21 View
60 1.3.3-Study of Effects of Acids View
61 1.3.3-Lichens View
62 1.3.3 Bryophytes View
63 1.3.3-Ptredophytes View
64 1.3.3 Gymnosperm View
65 1.3.3-Paleobotany View
66 1.3.3 Plant Breeding Project View
67 1.3.3 Plant Tissue Culture View
68 1.3.3 Weed Management View
69 1.3.3 Agrobacterium View
70 1.3.3-Immunological Techniques View
71 1.3.3-Genetic Improvement in Industrial Microbes View
72 1.3.3 Spices View
73 1.3.3 Vegetable Oils View
74 1.3.3-Tannies View
75 1.3.3-Steroids View
76 1.3.3 Vermiculture View
77 1.3.3-Zooplankton in Krishna River View
78 1.3.3 Microscopy View
79 1.3.3 Geography Projects 2020-21 New View
80 1.1.2-CIE-Examination Committee View
81 1.2.1 Additional Documents View
82 1.2.3 Students Enrolled in Certificate or Add-on Programmes View
83 1.2.2 Certificate Course 2020-21 View
84 1.2.2 Certificate Course 2019-20 View
85 1.2.2 Certificate Course 2018-19 View
86 1.2.2 Certificate Course 2017-18 View
87 1.3.1 Cross Cutting Values & Ethics1 View

Sl No. Document Name
1 2.1.2 Copy of Reservation Policies View
2 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers Data View
3 2.2.1 CIE 2020-21 View
4 2.2.1 CIE 2019-20 View
5 2.2.1 CIE 2018-19 View
6 2.2.1 CIE 2017-18 View
7 2.2.1 CIE 2016-17 View
8 2.1.2 Extract of Reserved Copies View
9 2.5.1 CIE for the last 5 Years View
10 2.5.2 External Examination Grievances for Last 5 Years View
11 2.6.1 PO's & CO's View
12 2.6.2 Attainment of PO's & CO's View
13 2.6.3 Result for Last 5 Years View
14 2.6.3 Additional Documents View
15 2.1.1 Affiliation Copies for 5 Years View
16 2.3.1- Student Centric Methods View
17 2.3.2 Teachers used N-List & ICT Classes View
18 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers Data View
19 2.4.3 Average Teaching Experience of Fulltime Teachers View
20 2.3.3 Mentor Mentee Circulars and Orders View
21 2.2.2 Students & Teachers Ratio View
22 2.2.1 Catering to Students Diversity View
23 2.1.1 Enrolled List for 5 Years View
24 2.3.3 Mentor Mentee Information View
25 2.4.2 Fulltime Teachers with PhD During Last 5 Years View
26 2.4.3 Teachers Experience in the same institute View
27 SSS 2021-22 REPORT View
28 SSS 2020 - 21 REPORT View
29 SSS 2019 - 20 REPORT View
30 2.3.3 Teacher wise Mentee List View
31 2.3.3 Full Time Teachers on Roll in the Last 05 years View

Sl No. Document Name
1 3.1.1 Research Projects-1-2018-2019 View
2 3.1.2 Research Projects-2-2018-19 View
3 3.2.1 UGC Approved Journal Articles for the Last 5 Years View
4 3.2.2-Book Published for Last 5 Years View
5 3.2.2 Conference Proceedings for Last 5 Years View
6 3.1.3-Seminars Conferences Workshops Webinars Lecture Series for Last 5 Years View
7 3.1.3-Webinar-1-National Webinar on Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC Quality Enhancement Techniques-By IQAC-2020-21 View
8 3.1.3-Webinar-2-Natiobnal Webinar for Students on-Wealth Creation through Capital Market-Economics Department 2020-21 View
9 3.1.3-Webinar-3-National Webinar on -Teacher and Teaching Skill Development in NEP-2020 View
10 3.1.3-Webinar-4 -National Webinar for Students on -Capital Market Awareness Programme-Commerce Department-2020-21 View
11 3.1.3-Webinar-5-National Webinar on -Urdu Gazal in Karnataka Reference to the Selected Poets-Urdu Department-2020-21 View
12 3.1.3-Webinar-6-National Webinar on -A Critical Analysis of Literature of Dr Chandrashekhar Kambar-Kannada Department-2020-21 View
13 3.1.3-Webinar-7-International Webinar on-Yoga in New Generation-Physical Department-2020-21 View
14 3.1.3-Webinar-8-National Webinar on -Values & Ethics in Education-Education Department-2020-21 View
15 3.1.3-Webinar-9-National Webinar on -Recent Trends in COHORT Analysis-Statistics Department-2020-21 View
16 3.1.3-Webinar-10-International Webinar on-Responsible Citizens in Restoring Ecosystems in the Dry Lands-Botany Department-20-21 View
17 3.1.3-Webinar-11-International Webinar on-Synthetic Methods of Nano Particles and Their Interesting Properties-Phyiscs & Chem Dept View
18 3.1.3-Webinar-12-National Webinar on-Wild Life Conservation in India-Zoology Department-2020-21 View
19 3.1.3-Workshop 13-Workshop on -Botany Syllabus NEP-2020-Botany Department-2020-21 View
20 3.1.3-Workshop 14-Workshop on-NEP 2020-English Curriculum Implementation-English Department-2020-21 View
21 3.1.3-XV-Lecture Series-15-12 Day National Lecture Series on-Urdu Ki Sheri-O-Nasare Asnaf-for UG Urdu Students-2020-21 View
22 3.1.3-Webinar-16-National Webinar on Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy-An Assessment-By IQAC- 2019-20 View
23 3.1.3-Webinar-17-National Webinar on -Matha Manya's in South India-History Department-2019-20 View
24 3.1.3-Seminar-18-Seminar on -Conservation of Indian Culture and Heritage-History Department-2018-19 View
25 3.1.3-Seminar-19-National Seminar on-Enhancement and Sustenance of Quality in Higher Education-The Role of IQAC View
26 3.2.2 Edited Volumes for Last 5 Years View
27 3.3.3-Reports of the Events Organised View
28 3.3.3-Reports of the Events Organised View
29 3.3.3-Extension & Outreach Programmes for Last 5 Years View
30 3.3.4-Average Perecentage of Students Participating in Extension Activities View
31 3.4.1-Activity-1-Field Visit-Visit to Super Market-Commerce Department-2020-21 View
32 3.4.1-Activity-2-Field Visit-Grafting-Botany Department-2020-21 View
33 3.4.1-Activity-3-Industrial Visit-Visit to Industry-Commerce Department- 2020-21 View
34 3.4.1-Activity-4-Study Tour-Visit to Historical Places-History & English Department-2020-21 View
35 3.4.1-Activity-5-Field Visit-Visit to Hampi-Kannada Department-2020-21 View
36 3.4.1-Activity-6-Visit to Bio-Technology Laboratory-Botany Department-2020-21 View
37 3.4.1-Activity-7-Field Visit-Visit to Organic Farm-Chemistry Department-2020-21 View
38 3.4.1-Activity-8-Field Visit-Visit to APMC-Economics Department-2020-21 View
39 3.4.1-Activity-9-Field Visit-Study of Monuments etc.-History Department-2020-21 View
40 3.4.1-Activity-10-Field Visit-Visit to Solar Plant-Economics Department-2020-21 View
41 3.4.1-Activity-11-Field Visit-Visit to Neem Oil Plant-Economics Department-2020-21 View
42 3.4.1-Activity-12-3.4.1-Field Visit-Visit to Pomegranate Crop-Economics Department-2020-21 View
43 3.4.1-Activity-13-Industrial Visit-Visit to Dal Factory-Commerce Department-2020-21 View
44 3.4.1-Activity-14-Field Visit-Visit to Horticulture Department-Botany Department-2020-21 View
45 3.4.1-Activity-15-Field Visit-Visit to Composting & Dairy Farm-Botany Department-2020-21 View
46 3.4.1-Activity-16-Study Tour-Visit to Almatti Damsite-Botany Department-2020-21 View
47 3.4.1-Activity-17-Industrial Visit-Visit to Balaji Sugar Factory-Botany Department-2020-21 View
48 3.4.1-Activity-18-Faculty Exchange Programme-2019-20 View
49 3.4.1-Activity-19-Field Visit-Grafting-Botany Department-2019-20 View
50 3.4.1-Activity-20-Field Visit-Visit to Poultry Farm-Zoology Department-2019-20 View
51 3.4.1-Activity-21-Study Tour-Zoology Department-2019-20 View
52 3.4.1-Activity-22-Industrial Visit-Visit to Sugar Industry-Chemistry Department-2019-20 View
53 3.4.1-Activity-23-Field Visit-Visit to Hisorical Places Hampi-Kannada Department-2019-20 View
54 3.4.1-Activity-24-Field Visit-Grafting-Botany Department-2018-19 View
55 3.4.1-Activity-25-Field Visit-Visit to Car Showroom-Commerce Department-2018-19 View
56 3.4.1-Activity-26-Field Visit-Visit to Apiculture Field-Zoology Department-2018-19 View
57 3.4.1-Activity-27-Study Tour-Zoology Department-2018-19 View
58 3.4.1-Activity-28-Faculty & Student Exchange Programme-Hindi Department-2018-19 View
59 3.4.1-Activity-29-Grafting-Botany Department-2017-18 View
60 3.4.1-Activity-30-Field Visit-Visit to Sericulture Field-Zoology Department-2017-18 View
61 3.4.1-Activity-31-Industry Visit-Visit to Textile Industry-Economics Department-2017-18 View
62 3.4.1-Activity-32-Study Tour-Zoology Department-2017-18 View
63 3.4.1-Activity -33-Study Tour Zoology Department 2016-17 View
64 3.3.4-Extension Activities & Outreach Programmes : Reports for Last 5 Years View
65 3.4.1- Collaboration or Linkages by the Institution for Last 5 Years View
66 3.4.2-MoU-1-MoU Activities of Zoology Department View
67 3.4.2-MoU-2-MoU Activities of Economics Department View
68 3.4.2-MoU-3-MoU Activities of History & Archealogy Department View
69 3.4.2-MoU-4-MoU Activities of Womens Forum View
70 3.4.2-MoU-5-MoU Activities of Chemistry Department View
71 3.4.2-MoU-6-MoU Activities of Urdu Department View
72 3.4.1-Activity-1-Research Activity-Botany Department View
73 3.4.1-Activity-2-Dairy Farming & Composte-Botany Department View
74 3.4.1 Collaboration or Linkages for Last 5 Years New View
75 3.4.1-Additional Documents View
76 3.4.2-Functional MoU's with Activities View
77 3.4.2-MoU Copies View

Sl No. Document Name
1 4.1.4 Audit Report 2019-20 View
2 4.1.4 Audit Report 2018-19 View
3 4.1.4 Audit Report 2017-18 View
4 4.1.4 Audit Report 2016-17 View
5 4.1.4 Audit Report 2020-21 View
6 4.1.4 Expenditure for Infrastrcture Augmentation for 5 years View
7 4.2.1 e-Library Management Software 2020-21 View
8 4.2.1 e-Library Management Software 2019-20 View
9 4.2.2 Web library bills 2020-21 View
10 4.2.2 Web Library Bills 2018-19 View
11 4.2.2 Web Library Bills 2016-17 View
12 4.2.2 N-List Bills 2020-21 View
13 4.2.2 N-List bills 2019-20 View
14 4.2.2 N-List Bills 2016-17 View
15 4.2.2 e-Resources in Our Library View
16 4.2.2 N-List Screenshots View
17 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2020-21 View
18 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2019-20 View
19 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2018-19 View
20 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2017-18 View
21 4.2.3 Purchase of Books 2020-21 View
22 4.2.3 Purchase of Books 2019-20 View
23 4.2.3 Purchase of Books 2018-19 View
24 4.2.3 Purchase of Books 2017-18 View
25 4.2.3 Purchase of Books 2016-17 View
26 4.4.1 Physical and Academic Support Facilities for 05 Years View
27 4.2.1 E- Library Management Software Additional Information View
28 4.2.2 E- Library Additional Information View
29 4.3.1 IT Facilities Including Wi-Fi Updates for 5 Years Final View
30 4.3.3: Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution View
31 4.3.2 Additional Information View
32 4.2.1 Library Software Features View
33 4.1.3 Master Time Table View
34 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2016-17 View
35 4.1.2 Sports & Culture Geo Tagged Photos View
36 4.4.2 Procedures and Policies View
37 4.4.2 Additional Information View
38 4.2.4 Daily Library Visitors Attendance Students and Staff View
39 4.2.3 Journals list 2020-21 View
40 4.2.3 Journals list 2019-20 View
41 4.2.3 Journals list 2018-19 View
42 4.2.3 Journals list 2017-18 View
43 4.2.3 Journals list 2016-17 View
44 4.2.3 Purchase of Journals Bills 2016-17 View
45 4.2.3 Library Committee View
46 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 12 View
47 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 13 View
48 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 14 View
49 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 27 View
50 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 28 View
51 4.1.3 ICT Room No. 43 View
53 4.1.1 Infrastructure and Physical Facilities View

Sl No. Document Name
1 5.1.1 Fee Concession for Low Income Students OBC- List 2 2016-17 View
2 5.1.1 Post Metric Scholarship for SC Students -17-2016-17 View
3 5.1.1 Post Metric Scholarship for SC Students-2-2016-17 View
4 5.1.1 Post Metric Scholarship for SC Students-175-2016-17 View
5 5.1.1 Post Metric Scholarship for ST Students-19-2016-17 View
6 5.1.1 SSP 2020-21 View
7 5.1.1 2019-20 PDF View
8 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-1-2018-19 View
9 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-7 View
10 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for Students -20-2018-19 View
11 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-170-2018-19 View
12 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students-29-2018-19 View
13 5.1.1 Fee Concession for Low Income Students OBC 2017-18 View
14 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-168-2017-18 View
15 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-15-2017-18 View
16 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students-26-2017-18 View
17 5.1.1 Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students-38-2017-18 View
18 5.1.1 SDP Special Development Academy-18 View
19 5.1.2 Scholarship from Non-Government Agenies 2020-21 View
20 5.1.2 Scholarship from Non-Government Agencies 2019-20 View
21 5.1.2 Scholarship from Non-Government Agencies 2018-19 View
22 5.1.2 Scholarship from Non-Government Agencies 2017-18 View
23 5.2.1 Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students 2020-21 View
24 5.2.1 Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students 2019-20 View
25 5.2.1 Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students 2018-19 View
26 5.2.1 Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students 2017-18 View
27 5.2.1 Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students 2016-17 View
28 5.4.1 Alumni Association Registration Certificate View
29 5.4.2 Alumni Contribution View
30 Fee Concession for low income students 2019- 20 List-2 View
31 Fee Concession for low income students 2019 - 20 List-1 View
32 5.1.1 Fee Concision for Low Income Students OBC 2018 - 19 List 1 View
33 5.1.1 Fee Concision for Low Income Students OBC 2018 - 19 List 3 View
34 5.1.1 Fee Concision for Low Income Students OBC 2018 - 19 List 4 View
35 5.1.1 Fee Concision for Low Income Students OBC 2018 - 19 List 2 View
36 5.1.1 Fee Concision for Low Income Students OBC 2018 - 19 List 5 View
37 5.1.1 Fee Concession for Low Income Students OBC - List 1-2016-17 View
38 5.1.1 Fee Concession for Low Income Students OBC - List 3-2016-17 View
39 5.1.5 Minutes of the meetings of student redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and Anti Ragging committee View
40 5.1.5 Additional Information View
41 5.1.3 Capability Enhancement-1-Soft Skill View
42 5.1.3 Capability Enhancement-2-Language & Communication Skill View
43 5.1.3 Capability Enchancement-3-Life Skills(Yoga & Health) View
44 5.1.3 Capability Enhancement-4-ICT Computing Skill View
45 5.2.2 Progression to Higher Education View
46 5.3.3-Average Number of Sports in Which Students Participated View
47 5.3.3-Average Number of Students Participated in Culture Activities View
48 5.2.3 Number of Students Qualifying for KSET,NET,TET Exams 2020-21 View
49 5.2.3 Number of Students Qualifying for KSET,NET,TET Exams 2019-20 View
50 5.2.3 Number of Students Qualifying for KSET,NET,TET Exams 2018-19 View
51 5.2.3 Number of Students Qualifying for KSET,NET,TET Exams 2017-18 View
52 5.3.1 Number of Awards & Medals for Outstanding Performance View
53 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 01-12-2021 View
54 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 05-01-2022 to 06-01-2022 View
55 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 11-12-2021 to 18-12-2021 View
56 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 20-02-2021 View
57 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 21-01-2022 View
58 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 27-08-2018 View
59 5.1.1 List of students who benefited by Government Scholarships View
60 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 23-07-2019 View
61 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 04-08-2019 to 24-08-2019 View
62 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 25-08-2019 View
63 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 30-08-2019 View
64 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 20-02-2020 View
65 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 19-09-2018 View
66 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 20-09-2018 View
67 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 28-08-2018 View
68 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 13-09-2017 View
69 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 11-01-2018 View
70 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 23-02-2018 View
71 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 28-09-2017 View
72 5.1.4 Additional Information View
73 5.1.5 Reports on Awareness Programmes View
74 5.3.2-Student Council View

Sl No. Document Name
1 Certificate of Registration View
2 6.1.1 Management Resolutions View
3 6.1.2 Committees & Cells for 5 Years View
4 6.1.2 Decentralization & Participative Management View
5 6.2.1 Institutional Strategic or Perspective Plan View
6 6.2.3 Implementation of e-Governance final View
7 6.3.1 Welfare Measures for Teaching & Non Teaching Staff View
8 6.3.2 Financial Support to Teachers to Attend Conferences, Workshops View
9 6.3.3-Administrative Training Programmes for Last 5 Years View
10 6.3.4 Teachers Attended PDP for Last 5 Years View
11 6.3.5 Performance Appraisal System View
12 6.4.1-Audit Report of Last 5 Years View
13 6.4.2-Funds Received from Non-Govenment Bodies for Last 5 Years View
14 6.4.3 Finance Resource Mobilization View
15 6.5.1 IQAC Insitutionalizing Strategies & Practice View
16 6.5.2-Peer Team 3 Cycle Report & Incremental Improvements View
17 6.5.3 Annual Reports of Last 5 Years View
18 6.5.3-IQAC-Minutes of Meeting for last 05 years View
19 6.5.3 Copies of Accreditation View
20 6.2.2 Organogram of the Institution View
21 6.2.2 Service Rules View
22 6.1.2 Seminar Committee View

Sl No. Document Name
1 7.1.1 Gender Equity for Last 5 Years View
2 7.1.4 Rain Water Harvesting & Borewell Recharge for Last 5 Years View
3 7.1.5 Green Campus Initiatives for Last 5 Years View
4 7.1.8-Inclusiveness & Situatedness-2020-21 View
5 7.1.8-Inclusive and Situatedness-2019-20 View
6 7.1.8Inclusive and Situatedness-2018-19 & 2017-18 View
7 7.1.6 Green Campus Initiative for Last 5 Years View
8 7.1.7 Disabled Friendly,Barrier Free Environment for Last 5 Years View
9 7.1.9-Human Values and Professional Ethics 2020-21 View
10 7.1.10 Code of Conduct Committee View
11 7.1.11 National & International Days for Last 5 Years View
12 7.1.11-Annual Report View
13 7.2.1 Best Practice-1 View
14 7.2.1 Best Practice-2 View
15 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-21 View
16 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness-2019-20 View
17 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness-2018-19 View
18 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness-2017-18 View
19 7.1.3 Solid Waste Management for Last 5 Years_MoU View
20 7.1.3 Solid Waste Management for Last 5 Years View
21 7.1.1 Gender Equity for Last 5 Years Facilities for Women View
22 7.1.9-Human Values & Professional Ethics 2018-19 & 2017-18 View
23 7.1.6- Green Audit-2020-21 View
24 7.1.6-Energy Audit Report-2020-21 View
25 7.1.6-Environment Audit Report-2020-21 View
26 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness View
27 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness PDF View
28 Human Values and Professional Ethics 2019-20 View

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