Sl No. Document Name
2 IQAC MEETINGS 2021-22 View

Sl No. Document Name
1 3.2 Permanent and Management Full Time Teachers List View

Sl No. Document Name
1 1.1.1- College Calendar of Events AQAR- 2021-22 View
2 1.1.1 Department Calendar of Events-AQAR-2021-22 View
3 1.1.1-Prospectus-AQAR-2021-22 View
4 1.1.1 Teaching Plan AQAR 2021-22 View
5 1.1.1 Additional Documents AQAR-2021-22 View
6 1.1.1-Special Guest Lecture AQAR-2021-22 View
7 1.1.2-Examintion Committee-AQAR-2021-22 View
8 1.1.2 Additional Documents-RCU Calendar-AQAR-2021-22 View
9 1.1.3 B.O.E-AQAR-2021-22 View
10 1.1.3 B.O.S -AQAR-2021-22 View
11 1.1.3-B.O.S Certificate Course-AQAR-2021-22 View
12 1.1.3 Central Evaluation Order-AQAR-2021-22 View
13 1.1.3 Additional Documents-AQAR-2021-22 View
14 1.2.1 Minutes of BOS-AQAR-2021-22 View
15 1.3.1-Cross Cutting Subjects-AQAR-2021-22 View
16 1.3.1-Additional Documents-AQAR-2021-22 View
17 1.4.1 Feedback Analsyis of Students-AQAR-2021-22 View
18 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis of Alumni-AQAR-2021-22 View
19 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis of Employers-AQAR-2021-22 View
20 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis of Teachers-AQAR-2021-22 View
21 1.4.1 Students Feedback AQAR-2021-22 View
22 1.4.1 Teachers Feedback-AQAR-2021-22 View
23 1.4.1 Alumni Feedback-AQAR-2021-22 View
24 1.4.1 Employers Feedback-AQAR-2021-22 View
25 1.4.1 Minutes of Governing Council-AQAR-2021-22 View
26 1.2.1 University Syllabus Soft Copies-2021-22 View
27 1.2.1 Additional Documents-2021-22 View
28 1.2.2 Brochure in Certificate Course-2021-22 View
29 1.2.2 Certificate Courses-2021-22 View
30 1.2.2 Additional Documents-2021-22 View
31 1.2.3 Students Enrolled in Certificate or Add-on Programmes-2021-22 View
32 1.2.3 Additional Documents-2021-22 View
33 1.3.2 Syllabus of the Course-Botany-2021-22 View
34 1.3.2 Syllabus of the Course-Zoology-2021-22 View
35 1.3.2-MoU Chemistry-2021-22 View
36 1.3.2-Syllabus of the Course-Chemistry-2021-22 View
37 1.3.2 Additional Documents-2021-22 View
38 1.3.3 Botany Project-2021-22 View
39 1.3.3 Chemistry Project-2021-22 View
40 1.3.3 Geography Project-2021-22 View
41 1.3.3 Zoology Project-2021-22 View
42 1.3.3 Additional Documents-2021-22 View
43 1.4.2 Action Taken Report-Alumni-2021-22 View
44 1.4.2 Action Taken Report-Students-2021-22 View
45 1.4.2 Action Taken Report-Teachers-2021-22 View
46 1.4.2 Departmental Action Taken Report-2021-22 View
47 1.3.2 Syllabus of the Course-Geography-AQAR-2021-22 View
48 1.4.2 Action Taken Report on Employer-AQAR-2021-22 View
49 1.4.2 Action Taken Report on Feedback of Stakeholders View

Sl No. Document Name
1 2.4.2-Number of Fulltime Teachers with PhD-AQAR-2021-22 View
2 2.5.1-Internal Assessments -AQAR-2021-22 View
3 2.5.2-Grievances for Examination-AQAR-2021-22 View
4 2.5.2-Additional Documents-AQAR-2021-22 View
5 2.6.1 PO's & CO's-AQAR 2021-22 View
6 2.6.2-Result Analysis-AQAR-2021-22 View
7 2.6.3-Average Pass Percentage-AQAR-2021-22 View
8 2.6.3-University Result Sheet-AQAR-2021-22 View
9 2.1.1 Affiliation & Enrollment list-2021-22 View
10 2.1.2-Reserve Category-2021-22 View
11 2.2.2 Student & Full Time Teachers Ratio-2021-22 View
12 2.3.3 Mentor Mentee -2021-22 View
13 2.3.3-Mentor Mentee Alloted List-2021-22 View
14 2.3.2 Teachers using N-List & ICT Classes-2021-22 View
15 2.4.1-Permanent and Management Full Time Faculty List 2021-22 View
16 2.4.3-Experience of Teaching Faculty 2021-22 View
17 2.2.1 Special Programmes for Advanced learners and Slow learners View

Sl No. Document Name
1 3.4.1 Collaboration and Linkages -AQAR-2021-22 View
2 3.4.1 Additional Documents-AQAR-2021-22 View
3 3.4.1-Activity-1-Collaboration-Research Activity-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
4 3.4.1-Activity-2-Collaboration-Dairy Farming & Composte-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
5 3.4.1-Activity-3-Visit to Bio-Technology Laboratory-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
6 3.4.1-Activity-4-Field Visit-Visit to Organic Farm-Chemistry Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
7 3.4.1-Activity-5-Field Visit-Visit to APMC-Economics Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
8 3.4.1-Activity-6-Field Visit-Study of Monuments etc.-History Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
9 3.4.1-Activity-7-Field Visit-Visit to Solar Plant-Economics Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
10 3.4.1-Activity-8-Field Visit-Visit to Neem Oil Plant-Economics Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
11 3.4.1-Activity-9-Field Visit-Visit to Pomegranate Crop-Economics Department-AQAR-2021-22 (1) View
12 3.4.1-Activity-10-Industrial Visit-Visit to Dal Factory-Commerce Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
13 3.4.1-Activity-11-Field Visit-Visit to Horticulture Department-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
14 3.4.1-Activity-12-Study Tour-Visit to Almatti Damsite-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
15 3.4.1-Activity-13-Industrial Visit-Visit to Balaji Sugar Factory-Botany Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
16 3.4.1-Activity-14-Field Visit to Amulya Financial Centre,Mbl-Commerce Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
17 3.4.2 Functional MoU's with Activities-AQAR-2021-22 View
18 3.4.2 MoU-1- MoU Activities of Chemistry Department-AQAR-2021-22 View
19 3.1.3 Seminars-Webinars-Workshops-Lecture Series View
20 3.3.2 Awards Received for Extension Activities View
21 3.3.3 Extension & Outreach Programmes View
22 3.3.4 Students Participating in Extension Activities as at 3.3.3 View
23 3.2.1 UGC Approved Journal-2021-22 View
24 3.2.2 Edited Volumes -2021-22 View

Sl No. Document Name
1 4.1.3-ICT Classrooms View
2 4.1.4- Income and Expenditure View
3 4.2.1 Library Automation View
4 4.2.2- Library e-Resources View
5 4.2.3-Expenditure for Purchase of Books View
6 4.2.4-Usage of Library by Teachers & Students View
7 4.3.2 -Student Computer Ratio View
8 4.3.3 Internet Bills View
9 4.4.1-Maintenance of Campus View

Sl No. Document Name
1 5.1.1 Scholarships Provided by the Government View
2 5.1.2 Scholarship Provided by Non-Government Agenies View
3 5.1.3 Capability Enhancement Programmes View
4 5.1.4 Career Guidance for competitive Examination 05-01-2022 to 06-01-2022 View
5 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 11-12-2021 to 18-12-2021 View
6 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 01-12-2021 View
7 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Examination 21-01-2022 View
8 5.1.4 Career Guidance for Competitive Exams View
9 5.1.5 Additional Information View
10 5.1.5 Minutes of the Meetings View
11 5.1.5 Reports of Awareness programmes View
12 5.2.1-Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students View
13 5.2.2 Progression to Higher Education View
14 5.2.3 Number of Students Qualifying KSET,NET,TET Exams View
15 5.3.1 Number of Awards & Medals for Outstanding Performance View
16 5.3.2-Student Council View
17 5.3.3 No. of Sports and Cultural Events View
18 5.4.1 Alumni Association Registration Certificate View
19 5.4.2 Alumni Contribution View

Sl No. Document Name
1 6.1.1 Certificate of Registration View
2 6.1.2 Committees and Cells 2021-22 View
3 6.1.2 Decentralisation Participative Management-AQAR-2021-22 View
4 6.2.1 Institutional Strategic or Perspective Plan-AQAR-2021-22 View
5 6.2.2 Committees and Cells 2021-22 View
6 6.2.2 Service Rules-AQAR-2021-22 View
7 6.2.2-Organogram-AQAR-2021-22 View
8 6.2.3 Implementation of e-Governance final-AQAR-2021-22 View
9 6.3.1 Welfare Measures for Teaching and Non-Teachigng Staff-AQAR-2021-22 View
10 6.3.4 Teachers attended for PDP-AQAR-2021-22 View
11 6.3.5 Performance Appraisal System-AQAR-2021-22 View
12 6.4.1 Audit Report-AQAR-2021-22 View
13 6.4.2 Corpus Fund-AQAR-2021-22 View
14 6.4.3 Finance Resource Mobilization-AQAR-2021-22 View
15 6.5.1 IQAC Insitutionalizing Strategies and Practice-AQAR-2021-22 View
16 6.5.2-Peer Team 3 Cycle Report and Incremental Improvements-AQAR-2021-22 View
17 6.5.3 E- Copies of Accreditation-AQAR-2021-22 View
18 6.5.3-IQAC Meetings-AQAR-2021-22 View
19 6.5.3-NIRF-AQAR-2021-22 View
20 6.3.3-Administrative Training Programmes 2021-22 View

Sl No. Document Name
1 7.1.1 Programmes on Gender Equity View
2 7.1.2 Solar Energy & LED Bulbs Details View
3 7.1.3 Solid Waste Management Details View
4 7.1.4 Rain Water Harvesting and Borewell Recharge Details View
5 7.1.5 Green Campus Details View
6 7.1.6 Quality Audits on Green, Energy & Environment Reports View
7 7.1.7 Disable Friendly,Barrier free Environment Details View
8 7.1.8-Inclusive & Situatedness Files View
9 7.1.9-Human Values and Professional Ethics Programmes View
10 7.1.10 Code of Conduct-2021-22 View
11 7.1.11 National & International Days Celebrations -2021-22 View
12 7.2.1 Best Practices View
13 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness View
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