Code of Conduct for Students

  • Students should wear their identity cards inside the campus daily.
  • Every student should follow dress code of the college, violation of which attracts disciplinary action.
  • Be polite and respectful to everyone including teaching, non teaching staff and fellow students.
  • During class hours student cannot go out of the classroom without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  • The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the class rooms.
  • Attendance and participation in class is essential and regular attendance at the college is the responsibility of both students and parents.
  • Ragging and rude behavior in any forms is strictly prohibited and is considered a serious offence as per the order of the Honorable Supreme Court of India.
  • Students should park their vehicles in the parking area only.
  • The College expects Students of both genders of foster healthy and decent relationship.
  • During leisure hours Students are advised to use the library and internet browsing centre.
  • Defacing the black board will be seriously dealt with.
  • Students should handle lab apparatus and infrastructure with care. Damage of such things will lead to penalty or suspension from college.
  • Students are expected to maintain Silence in the academic buildings to maintain the decorum.
  • Students should stay away from any antisocial activities.   
  • Commensurate with the gravity of the offence the punishment includes fine expulsion from the hostel/college and handing over the case to the law enforcing authorities of the Government

Code of Conduct for Principal

  • Chalk out a policy and plan to execute the vision and mission of the institution.
  • Recommend and forward communication to the authorities.
  • Be fare in disciplinary actions for all members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
  • Ensure that the staff and students aware of rules, policies and procedures lay down by the institution and enforce them properly.
  • Listen to the students feedback set a supportive tone.
  • Execute Qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare for the institution.
  • Minor, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take steps on the feedback of stakeholders.
  • Empower staff and students to reach their maximum potential.

Code of Conduct for Teachers

  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.
  • Uphold the honor and dignity of the teaching profession.
  • Provide quality education to students.
  • Be impartial against students.
  • Interact with the students in a friendly manner.
  • Collaborate with fellow colleagues.
  • As a mentor guide, encourage and assist students in their learning.
  • Abide by the procedures to ensure student’s safety.
  • Update his or her Knowledge and skills to equip him/her professionally for the proper discharge of duties assigned to him/her.
  • The decision of the management will be final.

Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching staff

  • Adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the institution.
  • Report to duty on Time.
  • Respect and maintain the hierarchy in the administration.
  • Deal positively with staff, students and parents.
  • Must not be absent from duty without prior official approval.
  • Must not divulge official secrets, mutilate expunge, conceal alter of forge official documents.
  • Maintain honesty, integrity fairness in all activities.

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